Tag Archives for " COBRA "

Top 5 COBRA Need-to-Knows

We can all count on ten things. What are they, you ask? Your fingers…haha! I crack myself up. But – on to the serious focus of my blog today. Unfortunately, something you can’t necessarily

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Is COBRA Eligibility the Same for Furloughs vs. Layoffs?

Many people who face layoff or furlough wonder if they are eligible for COBRA benefits. It can be scary to go from having group health coverage through work, to having to shop for new coverage. To help,

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains COBRA Insurance

Captain Contributor Explains COBRA Insurance What is COBRA insurance? It’s one of those things that people usually hear about (but don’t really think about) until it’s time for them

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains Benefits Mobile Apps

Captain Contributor Explains Benefits Mobile Apps Smartphones are probably an everyday part of your life, but did you know you can use them for easy access to your benefits accounts? Whether

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Benefits Villain Rap Sheets

NEFARIOUS ACTIONS 1) Says if you're fired from your job, you aren't eligible for COBRA benefits.  FALSE!  Eligibility is not affected by the reason you left your job

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COBRA Overview

COBRA Insurance - An Overview COBRA coverage allows employees to keep their healthcare coverage under their employer’s group plan after they have a qualifying event that would result in

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VIDEO: Betty the Benefactress Explains COBRA

"COBRA insurance may sound scary, but once you understand it, it’s actually quite helpful. Watch this COBRA video with me and Captain Contributor (the original benefits superhero) for

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Introducing COBRA and Betty the Benefactress!

Hey folks. It’s a tough job being a benefits superhero. Not only do you have to be knowledgeable, but you also have to be ready at a moment’s notice. You never know when someone will need a hand. Fact

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