Tag Archives for " FSA "

Enrollment: How Much Should I Put In My FSA? (Or HSA?)

During enrollment season, your company will likely be talking about benefits. If you participate in your employer’s plan, you’re probably wondering, “How much should I put in my FSA?”

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Should I Sign Up for a Flexible Spending Account?

Between September and December many companies start allowing their employees to sign up for benefits for the next year – which often includes health, dental, life and vision insurance. Some

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Virtual Day Camp: Is this a DCAP Eligible Expense?

Back during enrollment season, many parents signed up to participate in a Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP) through their employer. The intention behind a DCAP is that it allows people to put

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Men’s Health and Eligible Expenses

Gentlemen, if you have a healthcare benefits account, like a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA), you have a great tool at your fingertips to help you manage your personal

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Benefit Election Change – Can I Update My FSA or DCAP?

By participating in your employer’s benefit plan, you probably have a lot of questions. How can I spend my benefit money? How much do I need to contribute to my account? Can I make a benefit election

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Love Your FSA/HSA: 6 Reasons to Embrace Your Benefits

“All you need is love …” We’ve all heard that before, but is it really true? Fact is, being in a loving relationship provides all sorts of health benefits. From less depression and substance

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Tips for Reducing Medical Costs for Healthcare Consumers

The cost of healthcare may be a sizable portion of person’s or families’ annual expenses. Therefore, it is important for people to know how they can become better healthcare consumers

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FSA FAQs: ‘When Can I Sign Up for an FSA?’ and Other Questions

With the average American household spending $5,000 per person in healthcare expenses each year, it’s no surprise that Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are so popular. According to the Bureau

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains Benefits Debit Cards

Captain Contributor Explains Benefits Debit Cards No matter where you go – doctors’ offices, grocery stores, retail shops, and more – you can use a debit or credit card to pay for

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FSA vs HRA vs HSA: A Comparison with Chart

Healthcare benefits accounts can be confusing. On first glance, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) look very similar. However,

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Benefits Villain Rap Sheets

NEFARIOUS ACTIONS 1) Says if you're fired from your job, you aren't eligible for COBRA benefits.  FALSE!  Eligibility is not affected by the reason you left your job

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains Preparing for Enrollment

Questions About Enrolling in Your Benefits A lot of people don’t fully understand their benefits package, and blindly make important healthcare choices. This year, challenge yourself to do

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Heart health: Heart disease risk factors and ways you can get healthier

Every February is American Heart Month, which is pretty convenient with Valentine’s Day falling right in the middle. With that in mind, I have researched some facts about heart disease, risk factors,

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains How FSAs Work

Understanding How FSAs Work A Flexible Spending Account, or FSA, is a great way to save on taxes and set aside money for health and childcare expenses. The basics of an FSA are pretty simple.

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Limited Purpose FSA Overview

Limited Purpose FSA Overview A limited purpose FSA (LPFSA) is a tax-advantaged benefit account for people who also have an HSA. However, as the name says, its use is limited. An LPFSA can

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Tax-Free Talk, Enrollment Season Podcast, Ep. 3

Tax-Free Talk is a special benefits enrollment season podcast featuring host, Kathy Claimant. In this third installment of Tax-Free Talk, an enrollment season podcast, benefits superhero Captain

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains Tax Savings

Tax Savings You can save 30% or more on healthcare expenses due to the tax advantages from an FSA, HSA, or HRA, but do you know what the differences in these benefit accounts? Which one is

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Tax-Free Talk, Enrollment Season Podcast, Ep. 2

Tax-Free Talk is a special benefits enrollment season podcast featuring host, Kathy Claimant. In this second edition of the Tax-Free Talk enrollment season podcast, Kathy Claimant follows benefits

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Transit Overview

Transit / Commuter Accounts Overview The costs of traveling to-and-from work can add up quickly! With a Transit (aka Commuter) account, sponsored by your employer, you can set aside money

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Tax-Free Talk, Enrollment Season Podcast, Ep. 1

Tax-Free Talk is a special benefits enrollment season podcast featuring host, Kathy Claimant. In this funny, informative and engaging serial, Kathy Claimant hosts benefits superhero Captain Contributor.

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Benefits Debit Card Overview

Benefits Debit Card Overview If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Health Savings Account (HSA), Transit/Commuter account (or other benefit account), you may be able to sign up for

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DCAP Overview

Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP) – A Quick Overview Do you have small children or an adult dependent who lives with you? If you answered yes, a DCAP account (Dependent Care Assistance

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains Planning for Healthcare Expenses

Planning for Healthcare Expenses Budgeting for future expenses can be hard. After all, you never know when something unexpected will land you in the emergency room. But there are a few important

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FSA Overview

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) - An Overview A Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) lets employees put aside money each pay day to pay for healthcare costs. The money put into the account

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VIDEO: Captain Contributor Explains FSAs

“Learning about FSAs is more exciting than you think! Check out one of my FSA videos below. Betty the Benefactress and I explain the ins-and-outs of FSAs and take on an evil villain along

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